Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur

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Vision & Mission

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS)

1.    understand the community in which they work
2.    understand themselves in relation to their community
3.    identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
4.    develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
5.    utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
6.    develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
7.    gain skills in mobilizing community participation
8.    acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
9.    develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
10.    practice national integration and social harmony


The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. NSS helps the students develop appreciation to other person's point of view and also show consideration to '/other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is well doctrined in this motto, which underlines/on the belief that the welfare .of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society on the whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.


The symbol for the NSS has been based on the giant Rath Wheel of the world famous Konark Sun Temple (The Black Pagoda) situated in Orissa, India. The wheel portrays the cycle of creation, preservation and release and signifies the movement in life across time and space, The symbol thus stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social change.


The NSS Symbol is embossed on the badge. The eight bars in the wheel represent the 24 hours of a day. The red colour indicates that the volunteer is full of young blood that is lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit. The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.

The programme aims to inculcate social welfare in students, and to provide service to society without bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help to enhance their standard of living and lead a life of dignity. In doing so, volunteers learn from people in villages how to lead a good life despite a scarcity of resources. it also provides help in natural and man-made disasters by providing food,clothing and first aid to the disaster victims.

NSS Day:

NSS was formally launched on 24th September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day
with appropriate programmes and activities.

NSS Song:

During Silver Jubilee Year the NSS theme song ha s been composed. All NSS volunteers are expected to learn the theme song and sing the song during NSS
programmes and celebrations.

Typical projects

  1. Adoption of villages
  2. Construction and repair of roads
  3. Afforestation
  4. Encephalitis awareness classes
  5. Water conservation
  6. Plastics eradication
  7. eye donation
  8. tree plantationLiteracy
  9. blood donation
  10. soft skill programs
  11. Youth for the  nation program
  12. PLAN OF ACTION FOR 2013-14
  13. A. Orientation ProgrammeTo get the NSS Volunteers acquainted with the philosophy, history, aims and objectivesof NSS, 20 hours are dedicated to orientation programme through lectures, discussions, interactive sessions audio-visuals etc.
  14. B. Special Camping Programme (Seven days Residential Special Camp)

    C. Flagship Programmes:

    1. Environment Awareness Programme

    2. Greening of the surrounding Project

    3. Anti-Drug Campaign

    4. Energy Conservation Programme

    5. Anti-Ragging Programme

    6. First-aid Training Programme

    7. Skill Development Campaign

    8. Traffic Awareness Programme

    9. Water conservation Programme

    10. Voter Awareness Programme


    D. Special Projects

     Drops of Love – Blood donation campaign

    E. Regular Activities

    (a) Environment Enrichment Programmes

    a) Plantation of trees, their preservation and upkeep (each NSS Unit should plant and protect at least 100 saplings in and around the campus and in the adopted places)

    b) Creation of NSS parks/gardens, Vegetable gardens and Medicinal gardens.

    c) Anti-plastic campaigns – eco friendly Bag making unit.

    d) Vegetable/Medicinal/ Ornamental Garden

    e) Chlorination of village ponds and wells.

    f) Vermi-compost project in each unit. Popularization and construction of Gobar Gas Plants-use of non-conventional energy.

    g) Waste Management Programme – Land, Air & Water Pollution

    h) Rainwater harvesting.

    (b) Greening of the surrounding

    Documentation of Saplings planted in and outside the campus.

    (c) Health Awareness Programmes:

    a) Anti – Drug Campaign.

    b) First – Aid Training Programme

    c) Paliative care Units

    d) Blood – Donation campaign

    e) AIDS Awareness Programme.

    f) Healthy Food Habits.

    g) Healthy Life Style.

    h) Medical camps

    d) Educational Programmes

    a) Legal Literacy programme

    b) Computer Literacy programme c) Consumer Awareness Programme

    d) Human Rights Awareness Programme

    e) Career Guidance Programme

    f) Traffic Awareness Programme.

    g) Value Education Programme

    h) Communicative Skill i) Personality Development & Leadership Classes.

    j) Stress /Disaster Management Programme.

    k) Effective Parenting.

    l) Energy Conservation Programme.

    e) Women Empowerment Programmes

    a) Programmes of educating people and making them aware of women’s rights, both constitutional and legal.

    b) Creating consciousness among women that they too contribute to economic and social well being of the community.

    c) Creating awareness among women that there is no occupation or vocation which is not open to them.

    d) Imparting training to women in sewing, embroidery, knitting and other skills where ever possible.

    f) Social Service Programmes

    a) Two days in a Paliative Care Centre.

    b) Work in institutions meant for physically and mentally handicapped.

    c) Organising blood donation camps and eye-pledge programmes.

    d) Work in Orphanages, homes for the aged etc.

    e) Work in welfare organisations of women.

    f) Prevention of slums through social education and community action.

    g) Programmes for making villages self sufficient.

    h) Soap making units, Paper carrybag making unit, tailoring unit

    g) Relief & Rehabilitation work during Natural calamities

    a) Disaster Management Programme - Assisting the authorities at the time of natural disasters and calamity.

    h) Creation of Durable Assets

    Home for the Homeless

    Libraries in adopted places, hospitals, jails etc.

    Construction of sanitary latrines.